Chat with Alissa Vinoski of Find Me Spot (Globalstar) at AirVenture
Chat with Marshall Mortley, Product Marketing of BendixKing at AirVenture
Chat with Doug Ranly, Catalog Manager of Sporty’s about their USB power products
Chat with Mark Glassmeyer, President Flight Outfitters, at AirVenture about their new flight bags
Chat with Irfan Khalid, VP of New Business Development, Dual Electronics, at AirVenture about their new HUD tech
Chat with Alex Rolinski co-founder of WingBug at AirVenture
Conversation with PS Engineering, at AirVenture, about the new audio panels
Chat with Scott Firsing and Mike Tonkin of ALSIM flight training solutions a, celebrating their 25th Anniversary at AirVenture
Chat with Jason Hutchison of SureFly Electronic Ignition at AirVenture
Chat at AirVenture with Geoffrey Bower, Chief Engineer and Bart Greer, Airbus Corporate Communications, about Airbus’s VTOL Urban Air Mobility…