For the past 4 years, we have been writing Aviation Technology article in my monthly column “PlaneTech” appearing in the Canadian Owner’s and Pilot’s Association’s (COPA) print and on-line magazine. With over 65,000 readers of COPA’s magazine, readers enjoy the latest aviation technologies focused on General Aviation and Business Aviation. Pilots, flight schools, aircraft maintenance and sales shops and aviation enthusiasts, are provided with up to date trends in aviation technologies. PlaneTalk delivers bi-weekly Podcasts allowing you to enjoy audio versions of PlaneTech’s content.
With a flare for writing, we offer a variety of journalism and writing services for companies in the aviation sector. Including product reviews, aviation stories and press releases, we deliver well researched articles with journalistic integrity. Focusing on “just the facts”, our writing skills are adapted to both the audience as well as the company engaging our journalism services.
With a passion for photography and prosumer DSL and video technologies, we capture digital memories which are coupled with our printed word. Our untouched photos and videos, deliver an element of realism, as if the reader was there. Eliminating tedious and time consuming post production activities and work effort delivers a cost effective product.
Beta Testing
With our IT background, garnered over three decades of experience, we provide beta testing services to a variety of aviation manufacturers. From Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs), advanced instrumentation, vision protection, speech recognition and other aviation technologies, we act as beta testers for products which have yet to be delivered to the aviation sector. This approach was garnered through years as acting as beta testers for a variety of IT manufacturers.
As a general aviation pilot, we are part of a community of more than 650,000 aviators in North America with over 20 years piloting experience. As part of the technology tsunami which has engulfed general aviation with the advent of the micro processor, GPS, satellite communications, we have the experience and depth to strategically test and evaluate new products.

More to Come
PlaneTalk and PlaneTech deliver print and audio delivered information. Get ready for change.
Next Steps…
PlaneTalk’s audio podcasts are available either through this website or a PodCast app. PlaneTalk